Reopening of the Farnese Gems collection

6 September 2024
Included in the general entrance ticket
The Farnese Gems collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, one of the most extraordinary of its kind, has reopened to the public, after important refurbishment works, financed by the "Progetto PON Cultura e Sviluppo 2014-2020 - Valorizzazione del Medagliere".

Director General of the Museum, Ministry of Culture, Professor Massimo Osanna, who has presided over the reopening event, states: "In September we resume our work, starting from a systematic operation of enhancement of Museum collections. Among them, the Farnese gems present a significative antiquarian interest as well as an extraordinary artistic value. We are also working to reopen to the public, by December, the Numismatic section, which will include a dedicated space for ancient gold jewels held by the Museum".

Athough the set up designed by Professor Carlo Gasparri in 1995 has remained unaltered, refurbishment works, aimed at enhancing the story of the collection and the beauty of the artefacts, have produced new explanation resources in Italian and in English, a new energy saving enlightenment system and enlarged photo images.
The collection houses 492 gems, in between cameos and intaglios.
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